Cat Obesity – Is Your Cat a Healthy Weight

Cat Obesity - Is Your Cat a Healthy WeightCat obesity is growing issue and often a tricky conversation for vets to have. Is your cat a healthy weight? To have a healthy furry friend, it is sometimes difficult to keep your pet on a healthy diet. However, there are answers to your cat’s nutrition questions.

Related: How to Help your Cat Slim Down

Recognize the Problem

Carolyn McDaniel, VMD, a lecturer in clinical sciences at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine estimates, “Probably 50 percent of cats seen at veterinary clinics these days are overweight, if not obese.” In addition, Dr. McDaniel’s estimation is consistent with several studies finding that an estimated 5% to 10% of cats can be considered “overweight,” while 40% fall into the “obese” category. Don’t be afraid to consult your vet regarding your cat’s weight!

Numbers, Breed, and Obesity Defined

Feline obesity is defined as body weight that is 20 percent or more above normal weight. Figuring out what your cat’s normal weight is can be more of a challenge. You’ll need to speak with your vet about a weight range that is healthy for your cat, but generally, you’ll need to factor in the breed of your cat along with age and most importantly – shape. Vets tend to use a scoring system that factors several ratings into your cat’s weight which includes – the amount of fat on the feline’s ribs, a slight fat covering the base of the tail, a healthy amount of fat covering bony parts on the pet’s body such as the spine, shoulders, and hips, a slight hourglass figure, and the abdominal tuck.

Dry Food Versus Wet Food

The majority of vets agree that a wet food is best for your cat. While not all of us have the time, energy, or means to make our cats a diet of homemade pet food, canned wet food is the next best option. Dry food is depleted of much-needed water, the carbohydrate levels are generally far too high, and they are loaded with plant-based versus animal-based proteins. The fact that dry foods are typically over-processed is cherry on top.

Related: Easy And Quick Homemade Beef Cat Food Recipe

You and Your Vet are In Control

Your cat may be accustomed to a certain diet and lifestyle, but remember you and your vet are in control. Your love will only be strengthened by putting their health first. Just because you don’t hand out treats or push a healthier diet, doesn’t mean you love or adore your kitty any less. While the diet change may be a challenge, it could be a lifesaver!

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  1. momtograndma says

    I use to adore fat cats, they are so chubby and cute not to mention usually they are not the ones rip roarring across the the room. With that said I change my thoughts when I read up on what makes a healthy pet. These days our pets are trim and fit.

  2. Heather says

    My cat is a healthy weight. I think a lot of it is choosing indoor food brands and a good combination of dry and wet foods and never ever ever table scraps, unless its unsalted or seasoned meats like tuna or salmon. Cat’s can’t digest human foods, heck humans even have a hard time digesting human foods.

  3. ElizabehtO says

    Thank you for the advice! We take real care of our cat, he is definitely one of the family. It’s nice to know we are doing things the right way 🙂

  4. Guest says

    I’ve saved this post for my sister in law. She has fat cats. I think it’s good to think about your pets health, if it’s unhealthy for a human to be overweight then people need to realise it’s also unhealthy for animals too. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Rose Ann Sales says

    I have cats and I always pays attention with their health. Not knowing that being fat is not healthy. So I’ve decided to bring them totheir vet. And glad they are all ok now.

  6. Guest says

    They may look adorably cute, but fat cats are not at all healthy. If we love our cats, we must not allow this to happen. Thank you for sharing this article for cat parents to be aware.

  7. RuthAnnRidley says

    This is some really important information. I never really thought about cats and their weights.

  8. Becca Wilson says

    My friends that have cats never really mention much when it comes to their weight. This was such an insightful post!

  9. Trish0360 says

    These are some really great tips! My mother is a cat person and I need to share this post with her. Thanks!

  10. Guest says

    I had a cat that was overweight and it was such a challenge! He had no desire to conform to a healthy lifestyle and protested…I so miss my cats. I’m not married to a man who has asthma and is allergic so I have to volunteer at the local SPCA to get my fix.

  11. Guest says

    I love this blog post! I am a dog owner, but I know some cat owners and I see their cats putting on some weight. I am going to share this article with them… I loved reading this!

  12. Guest says

    Such an important discussion to have. I had a cat once, he lived a very long time but he was overweight. I think he was part Maine Coon which made him larger in size but he certainly was overweight as all. I don’t have cats now, but I do know other cat owners who don’t really seem to think about their cats weight.

  13. Guest says

    Awwww such cute cats! It’s so important to keep them at a healthy weight– but so hard sometimes. Great tips!

  14. maryjingjing says

    Though we only got a dog at home I guess this applies too. The best thing for me to do is to visit the vet at least for a check.up or an appointment to check for its health.

  15. Carrie Chady Rundhaug says

    We don’t have a cat but when we did they have never been overweight. Thankfully. I have seen some very fat cats before and I know its not healthy.

  16. hanagshgqjs says

    So important!

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