Therapeutic Sensory Animatronic Cats Bring Joy To Elderly Patients

Therapeutic Sensory Animatronic Cats Bring Joy To Elderly PatientsOur cats brings us so much joy, they cuddle with us, purr for us, and keep us company.  Sadly, not everyone can have a cat for various reasons, like the inability to care for them, allergies, health reasons, and so on.  Luckily, Hasbro Joy For All has found a way of bringing individuals the joy of cats, without having to actually care for a live cat.

Modern technology is an amazing thing, and Hasbro Joy For All has used modern technology to bring cats to individuals who can’t actually have a cat.  And, we are absolutely in love with this idea!  Hasbro’s therapeutic sensory cats are animatronic pets that look just like real cats, they even purr and meow.  Some people may even be tricked into thinking it is a live pet, that’s how real they are!

Hasbro Joy For All joined forces with a nursing home for the elderly, Hebrew Home, and has supplied them with some animatronic felines.  The results with the elderly patients has been amazing.  People Magazine covered the amazing story and revealed, “The agitation of another resident melts away when she comes in contact with one of these special animals, who also inspire the woman to sing as she strokes their fur. Others living at Hebrew Home feel that the cats understand them, or are flooded with positive memories of pets they had in the past when they hold the animals.”

There is also a super cute video on YouTube of one of the patients at Hebrew Home cuddling with a Hasbro cat.  She holds the cat and pets it, while he purrs and meows for her.  The woman’s excitement over the animatronic pet is contagious!

We love this idea!  They can’t bring real cats into places like a nursing home for a lengthy list of obvious reasons, but the patients still get to enjoy having a pet!  If you think you know someone who would benefit from Hasbro’s therapeutic sensory cats, you can check out their website right here!

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