All-Natural Home Remedies for Pets

Every year, people spend thousands of dollars on their pets, trying to keep them safe and healthy. It's no surprise, we love our furry friends just as much as we adore any other member of our family. Unfortunately, the problem could be that…

How to Perform CPR on your Cat

We never want to imagine a situation where our cat's health might be in danger. However, if you find yourself in a position where your kitty becomes unconscious, you need to be prepared to act fast. In animals, respiratory arrest often…

The Best Cat Treat Dispenser Toys

If you want to give your cat a treat, but you also know that he or she loves a challenge, cat treat dispenser toys could be the perfect solution. These toys are ideal for indoor cats who can sometimes become complacent and lazy without the…

Should Your Cats Sleep With You?

Letting your cats snuggle in your bed at night is a personal decision, with many pet parents either firmly for or against the practice. But do you know how your cat feels about the idea of hanging out on your bed at night? The answer may…

The 5 Best Cat Scratching Posts

Cats scratch things to smooth and sharpen their claws, as well as helping them to stretch and flex their muscles. It's a natural instinct, but it's also a behavior that can easily ruin your wallpaper, sofa, or carpets. The best way to…

Fun Tricks that you Can Teach your Cats

A lot of people assume that tricks are something you can only teach a pooch, but the truth is that your cat is also very capable of learning the same things. In fact, a lot of people believe that cats are actually smarter than dogs.…

Tips for Moving With Cats

Do you know the best way to relocate with a cat? Very carefully! Seriously, cat parents know how fussy cats can be when it comes to their territory and routine. If you’re planning a move, here are some tips to help lessen kitty’s trauma,…

How to Introduce Two Cats

If you're a cat lover, one kitty is just not enough. You will want to have as many cats in your life as possible. There's just one problem with that. You see, sometimes, introducing two cats to one another can be easier said than done. When…

Top Tips to Help You Travel with Cats

Do you have an upcoming trip planned with your adorable but sensitive cat? Cats love routine and hate change, but with a bit of planning and preparation, there’s no reason you and your bestie can’t have a safe and sane journey! Whether…