Monthly Archives

May 2017

Basics of Cat Grooming

Cat grooming may sound like a difficult task, but it really isn’t. Long-haired cats are going to require more grooming than short-haired cats. The earlier you get your cat used to grooming, the better. Here are some basics of cat grooming.…

Best Things About Bengal Cats

Many Bengal cat owners say that having a cat of this breed is much like owning a dog, but with far less responsibility. These cats have a beautiful, soft coat and they are incredibly social creatures. Here are some of the best things…

How to Read Your Cats Different Moods

Most cats are mysterious and moody by nature, that’s why we love them, right? But sometimes we just want to know what they’re thinking and feeling without having to ask! Here are a few basic cat behaviors and what they most likely mean,…

Best Things About Calico Cats

Calico cats are not a breed of cats, but rather it is their coloring that sets them apart. However, there are some personality traits that calico cats all seem to share, like being warm-hearted, wise, mystical and affectionate. Here are…