How to Clean a Persian Cat’s Eyes

Persian cats are just darling, aren’t they? There’s something so very beautiful about these proud animals. If you’re lucky enough to have one in your own home, you will notice one recurring problem. This particular breed of cat tends to get tear duct stains and also sleep in their eyes. As a conscious pet owner, it’s your job to keep their eyes clean! So, where should you start?

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Well, it doesn’t have to be quite as hard as you might imagine. What’s more, you’ve come to the right place to get all the tips that you need. Here’s what you need to do:

Wash your hands first

Of course, before you go touching your cat’s eyes, you need to make sure that your hands are 100% clean. Wash and dry your hands with some antibacterial soap. That way, you don’t run the risk of harming your kitty when you happen to try to clean their eyes. Genius.

Trim the hair back

Next up, you will need to trim their hair back just a little. Persian cats characteristically have long hair around their eyes. You should use some trimmer scissors just to cut the hair back a little. Be very careful when doing so as the very last thing you want is to accidentally catch your kitty at any point. You may want to get someone to help you with this one.

Wipe with a dry tissue

First of all, you should wipe your cat’s eyes with some clean, dry tissue. Doing so will mean that you get rid of any dried up gunk that is already in the eye. You want to use a firm and swift motion on the area and pull the stuff away from the eye.

Use warm water

Once you’ve got rid of the stuff that is visible, you should give the eye a little wash. Use some warm (not hot) water and dip a little tissue in it. You should rub the tissue across the eye being careful not to irritate your cat too much.

Warning: Your cat won’t love this activity so make it as quick as possible.

Wipe again with tissue

Dry the wet eyes using some dry tissue again. At the end, you should see that the eyes look clean and bright once more. You should make sure that there is nothing left in your cat’s eyes or it could lead to an infection or irritation!

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Be gentle!

The one last thing that you need to remember is that you should be as gentle as possible when completing this task. Cats’ eyes are extremely sensitive and you don’t want to hurt them.

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