The 5 Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

When compared to dogs, people are under the assumption that cats are independent and unfriendly. There are some cat breeds out there that just don’t like tons of attention and cuddling. However, there are also some cat breeds that love be affectionate, love to cuddle and love to bond with their human family. Here are some of the most affectionate cat breeds.


Ragdoll cats are probably the most relaxed, laid-back cats in the world. They are called Ragdolls because, much like a ragdoll, they go limp when you pick them up. They don’t like to venture off on their own, but would rather just lay on someone’s lap and chill for a couple hours. Not only are Ragdolls affectionate, but they are patient and tolerant as well.

Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau is known to be one of the oldest breed of cats in the world. It is said that they date back to the time of the Egyptians. While this cat breed may look much like a wild cat, they are in fact very affectionate cats. These cats have been known to wag their tails, much like a dog does when they are happy and excited. They also love to knead their front paws on the lap of whomever they may be sitting on.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are nicknamed Gentle Giants, mostly because that is exactly what they are. They are rather large cats who crave attention from their human family. They have been known to want to constantly follow their human family members around, often being clingy at times.


Tonkinese cats are a mixture of Siamese and Burmese cat breeds. This cat breed is well-known for being friendly, warm and outgoing. They also tend to be more laidback than their Siamese counterparts. The Tonkinese cat is quite active, enjoying playing with their human family members, but they also love to cuddle on their laps just as much.


Yes, it is true that Siamese cats can be rather demanding at times. However, it is also true that these cats love spending all the time they can with their human family. This cat breed is always affectionate with all members of the family, but they usually take a keen interest in one family member over the others.

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Affectionate CatAffectionate Cat BreedsCat BreedsCat NewsEgyptian MauMaine CoonRagdollTontines Cat Breed
Comments (15)
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  • Divya

    Aw, cats are so cute!!! I would want any one of these breeds if I weren’t allergic!! They’re so stinkin’ adorable!

  • Guest

    Aw, cats are so cute!!! I would want any one of these breeds if I weren’t allergic!! They’re so stinkin’ adorable!

  • Elizabeth O.

    This is so nice! We have a cat at home and he’s really sweet especially with my twins. I think this post is going to help people who are thinking of adopting a cat!

  • Carol Cassara

    I had no idea that there were more affectionate breeds. That’s really nice to know! I think siamese cats are really adorable!

  • Linda

    I am a cat lover! Love them all! Well, almost all of them. I really don’t think I could get all warm and fuzzy over a bald cat. My sister has a mancoon, Niko, and that cat has so much personality, is way over jealous of the other cat, Bella, in the house and he wants love all the time!

  • Guest

    This is so nice! We have a cat at home and he’s really sweet especially with my twins. I think this post is going to help people who are thinking of adopting a cat!

  • Guest

    I had no idea that there were more affectionate breeds. That’s really nice to know! I think siamese cats are really adorable!

  • Guest

    I am a cat lover! Love them all! Well, almost all of them. I really don’t think I could get all warm and fuzzy over a bald cat. My sister has a mancoon, Niko, and that cat has so much personality, is way over jealous of the other cat, Bella, in the house and he wants love all the time!

  • Czjai Reyes-Ocampo

    My sister owns a Persian, and it’s kind of grumpy. Maybe she should get another cat with any of these breeds. 😉

  • Kelly Reci

    i wish i could have a cat at home, but i have an allergy so i cant! but my aunt loves cat! i will show this article to her! im sure she will love it

  • Guest

    My sister owns a Persian, and it’s kind of grumpy. Maybe she should get another cat with any of these breeds. 😉

  • Karlyn Cruz

    I don’t have a cat but my sister do! I really wanted to have personally my own one of these cat breeds.

  • Guest

    i wish i could have a cat at home, but i have an allergy so i cant! but my aunt loves cat! i will show this article to her! im sure she will love it

  • Guest

    I don’t have a cat but my sister do! I really wanted to have personally my own one of these cat breeds.

  • Sherryn

    I have a rag doll. She is nothing like what is mentioned about rag dolls. I’m lucky to be able to pat her a couple of times before she attacks.As for chilling on my lap, not a hope in hell.She is pretty good at biting and scratching anyone that’s around. My poor little dog cops a beating or a swipe with the paw.